Die ANC-LP, Xiaomei Havard, “Waarskynlik”, ‘n Chinese Spioen vir CKP, Maar Gaan Enigiets Gedoen Word of is CCP se Invloed te Sterk?

ANC Unions Take Corrupt ANC Government to ANC ConCourt over Corrupt ANC Civil Service Salaries!

ANC-Vakbonde neem Korrupte ANC-regering na ANC-hof oor Salarisse van die Korrupte ANC Staatsdiens!

BBBEE & Land Claims Will be Hate Crimes Under Stricter Definition of Hate Crime in ANC’s Updated Parliamentary Bill

BSEB & Grond Eise Sal Haatmisdade Wees Onder Strenger Definisie van ANC se Opgedateerde Parlementêre Wetsontwerp

ANC, EFF, PAC, BLF? Elderly White Couple Brutally Hacked to Death with Axe by Black Gang led by Gardener, for Just a Few Meagre Items!

ANC, EFF, PAC, BLF? Bejaarde Blanke Egpaar Brutaal Doodgekap met Byl deur Swart Bende Gelei deur Tuinier, vir Slegs ‘n Paar Klein Items!

Unemployment in Socialist SA hits 44.4% including those who don’t want to work, which apparently contributes to Riots and looting!

Werkloosheid in Sosialistiese SA op 44,4% met dié wat nie wil Werk Ingesluit, en dra glo by tot Onluste en Plundery!

Black Youths Kill Their Own Milkman, a White Man Working in the Townships! Why are Black Townships a No Go Zone for Whites?