Relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay has led to relentless decay and rot! The story of Africa under African rulers is always one of relentless decay, dilapidation and looting. At the time the old NP handed over the 1st world country to the ANC, cities and towns were clean and infrastructure, like railways and Eskom were some of the best functioning in the world. Bloemfontein was a gem, until the relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay started.
The thing with slow relentless decay is, people won’t realize they tolerated their way out of solutions and options, until it is way too late. Take a look at what happened in Bloemfontein, because what is happening there, is happening all over the country. The relentless rot starts slow and then suddenly after years and years of neglect, the filth and brokenness will hit people like a bucket of water in the face. But by then it will be too late and it will be clear that there are just no answers anymore within the sy
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