The ANC’s Relentless Radical Transformation of Once Beautiful Bloemfontein into Mangat-in! A Bankrupt Sh*thole!

Harrismith’s Dysfunctional “MaLOOTi-a-Poefie” Municipality Leaves Sewage & Blood Flowing into Field, River & Vaal Dam After Treatment Plant Stripped for Scrap!

#Kakfontein: Africans Will Let The Sewage Pump Get Stolen, Not Replace it as They Are Too Busy Stealing Themselves, and Then Live in The #Sh*thole it Creates!

#TheAfricanWay: Orange Free State Too Dangerous To Live in? Winburg & Kroonstad Have Dead Pigs & Raw Sewage in River & Dam, Too Polluted to Purify!

Homes under sewage at Sol Plaatjes Municipality – It adheres to Donald Trump’s description of South Africa – SH * t hole country!

Cape Town dumps raw sewage into the sea, sewage plants can no longer handle the increase in sewage

All I can say is ‘God help us’ – Photos of Vaal River that shows how raw sewage is polluting our drinking water