ANC Regime Misuses #COVID19 To Expose Farmers To Harm, Attacks & Stock Theft by Banning Farm Patrols in Remote Rural Areas! Deliberate?

Be vigilant! Criminals won’t be taking holidays – Farm attacks, murders, rapes, home invasions will still be taking place and you can be the next statistic

#Whitelives don’t matter – slaughter of white farmers in SA on the increase: 46 Farm attacks, 3 farm murders

#Whitelives don’t matter: 19 Farm attacks in 15 days in South Africa

Refugees say they feel unsafe in SA – You’re not alone! Even SA citizens feel unsafe in the country

Elderly couple violently brutalized by 7 armed barbarics during farm attack

#Whitelife don’t matter! 28 Farm attacks, 3 farm murders in South Africa in October 2019 – A staggering statistic and the government says its not happening

‘Legacy of apartheid’ to blame for anti mass immigration violence says minister Naledi Pandor

Rising anti-mass immigration violence in Gauteng calls on political leaders to ask for military assistance to bring violence under-control – They speak out against attacks on foreigners but remain silent on farm murders

Malema calls for black people to redirect their xenophobic anger at ‘white capital’ – this is just another racist incitement of violence against whites