South Africa might well find itself without a President or any top government officials, police or army leaders in 12 days time! It seems the new totalitarian powers the State of Disaster has given them, has gone to their heads! Dressed like an African dictator, Ramaphosa himself was addressing SANDF members ahead of their deployment in the lockdown, sounding world wise about the “invisible enemy”, as he mixed with them at the Doornkop Army Base in Soweto, Cyril got so carried away by his new dictatorship role, he forgot all about the Social Distancing rule he was advocating! Ramaphosa and the top brass were seated right next to each other as normal and even the army troops were arranged in their normal close squad formations! Did Cyril not get the memo from Xi Jinping who did it all via video links (pictured), yet still wore a facemask (for the camera’s)? After 26 years of doing as they please, do the ANC now think they are invincible against the Chinese Virus too?
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God Help Us! Forget Virus Lockdown, Will SA Survive Bumbling ANC Regime Who Forget Social Distancing as They Enforce #Prohibition & #Totalitarianism & Give Up 21 Days of Alcohol Tax For Stasi Powers!
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations“. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
Farmer Alwyn van Zyl (79) from
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Farm Murders More Deadly Than #CoronaVirus With Two Murders in Two Days, Yet its Ignored by Mainstream Newspapers & TV Who Only Pander To Black Majority!
#COVID19 in South Africa has a long way to go to be anywhere near as deadly as farm murders, as another 2 white farmers have been murdered within 48 hours of each other. Collin Leslie Britz (65), from Dundee in KZN, and Charles Hart (75), from Henderson in Eastern Cape were callously murdered – all that was taken was weapons. As usual the murders were totally ignored by liberal news outlets, although they do seem to have a lot of time to report on trivial matters concerning celebs & gossip etc. Liberal news media seem to take their orders from Ramaphosa and have never taken the matter of the murders of white farmers, and the associated threat to food security, seriously.
The ANC regime and mass media like News24 continue to be in denial and mostly ignore it, and don’t think it’s newsworthy when white farmers are brutally butchered on their farms, unless maybe the murdered farmer comes from the affluent Cape Winelands region.
Collin Leslie Britz, 65, who
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VIDEO: #PongolaHero Good Guy With a Gun Saves 24 Lives and Prevents Massacre at Sports Bar in Pongola! Mainstream Media Silent?
On Friday night, March 6, a potentially horrific incident took place in Northern KwaZulu-Natal, but two things stopped it. One, a good guy with a gun, and two, mainstream media are absolutely dead silent about it and the fact that a good guy with a gun prevented a potential massacre! The shooting occurred at a sportsbar at a rugby club in the Pongola area, when six black men in balaclavas, armed with pangas and firearms, burst into the bar and demanded that patrons get on the ground and started shooting…
According to KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Capt. Nqobile Gwala, about 25 members of the rugby club were inside the bar at the time, when all hell broke loose at around 22:30, with CCTV footage showing the six armed black men, who burst into the bar of the sports club in Pongola and demanded the customers and staff lay on the floor and then started shooting at them and hacking and beating them with their pangas.
“One of the customers was able to get hi
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#Fakism in Vrede: Yet Another Town Suffers Like #Coligny, After Fake “Racism” Allegations Are Used As The Black Man’s Excuse For Their Crimes!
In a repeat of the Coligny racial attack, where a young criminal died from his own actions, Vrede is under attack as a local security company owner’s house is burnt down, his dog killed and the local store is threatened with arson.
A white resident, Faan Abrie, who owns a security company in Vrede in the Free State, has lost all his personal possessions after local black youths, who acted under the instructions of the local ANC, stormed his house and burnt it down. The youths also stole personal possessions and carted it away to the township in Mr Abrie’s own trailer.
The youths first stoned Abrie’s home and his dog was found dead inside his house. All his vehicles, including a bakkie, were burnt out. However Abrie did not do anything wrong to anybody. What happened, is the usual race card pulling when the owner of a local supermarket asked Abrie on 17 January, to install security cameras to observe who is stealing from the supermarket. They observed on the camer
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Yet Another White Life Taken Just For a Phone as 70 Year Old Charles van Heerden Shot by Four Black Males in Moseley, Durban!
The plunder and fatal fleecing continues as another life is taken for a phone – Charles van Heerden (70) who was wounded in a house robbery in Durban on Tuesday, has died from his wounds. One 70 year old man versus FOUR armed cowardly black males…
Charles van Heerden (70) was shot in his lower body and his loyal dog Hunter was also shot when 4 black male killers entered his house in Moseley, Durban through the front door on Tuesday evening. Mr Van Heerden’s dog Hunter tried to protect his owner and attacked the intruders but was then shot by the intruders.
Van Heerden’s wife Hettie was present in the house at the time but thankfully not injured. Van Heerden was admitted in a local hospital and his dog in a local veterinary hospital. It was reported that Mr Van Heerden passed away on Friday 31 January 2020 due to complications stemming from the gunshot wound to his abdomen.
No arrest have been made and sadly it is just another case of a life taken for a phone
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Erlo Stegen’s Kwasizabantu Christian Sect Operating Aquelle Bottling Plant in KZN Exposed For Abuse and Inhumane Treatment of Staff
A picture of modern day slavery operated by the Kwasizabantu (KSB) Christian sect in KZN, has come to light after continued disclosures by former members and employees there. A newspaper Rapport also revealed this past Sunday how a young woman was raped by a church elder as “punishment” because she wanted to leave the place. Previous reports also exposed how R136 million of church money was stolen by Lydia Dube, right hand woman of the church founder Erlo Stegen. A recent book by a former leader, Albert Pilon, has also revealed “a trail of destruction” by Erlo Stegen.
The son of a church elder who had stayed there his whole life but left KSB already, described a picture of modern slavery with employees working in the Aquelle water bottling plant and avocado and pepper farming business – which supplies products to Woolworths – being paid slave wages and church elders like Erlo Stegen living in opulence with luxury sedans and even aircraft ferrying them around. Erlo
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Counterfeit South African Passports Are Big Business as Other Africans Use South Africa and it’s Passport as a Gateway to Claim Asylum in Ireland & UK
Africans love to hate the very thing they want the most. They allegedly hate colonialism, but want everything it offers. During the economic boom of Apartheid South Africa, Africans were risking their lives to get INTO apartheid South Africa and there weren’t any sprawling refugee camps on the borders of the country Africans so loved to hate. Now, apart from the destruction of the economic boom by the ANC regime, it seems little has changed – Africans are still flooding INTO South Africa, although now there is no border, so very little risk. Through a policy of Deliberate Negligence, the ANC has effectively implemented an open border policy for South Africa, much to the UN’s pleasure…
Indeed, when it comes to globalism, and its chief instigator of globalist conquest, the United Nations, logic, common sense or even legality and truth are no longer required, much like the ANC regime. The UN uses decriminalisation of everything as a tool
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Warning to all Drivers for the holidays: These are the busiest roads – and days – to travel in December
If you are looking to plot a Christmas getaway, make sure you don’t get caught up on the busiest roads at the worst times. We’re here to help.
The holidays are almost upon us, which means the roads in South Africa are set to get even more packed than usual. Speaking to Business Tech, Sanral revealed the key dates and busiest roads they believe will see the highest volumes of traffic, and there are a couple surprises in the mix.
It’s just one of life’s cruel pranks, isn’t it? Yes, you can have a few days off – but you have to sit in traffic jams first. Of course you can take a lekker road trip and go see your family and friends – if you sit in an endless gridlock first.
But, with a bit of forward planning, we might just be able to help you avoid the worst of the worst. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to planning your travel over the next few weeks.
What are the busiest roads in South Africa?Continue reading…
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