The state of capture in SA cricket – Why is it that as soon as black Africans are in charge, the place gets captured. In other words a dictatorship is set up where looting follows? Is this all they know?

With love from the incompetent ANC-regime – 28,000 jobs lost in Q3, unemployment in the SA stands at around 29.1%.

Sex education taken to far in SA – 120 000 teenage pregnancies recorded in 2019 – Comprehensive sexuality education not been successful in ensuring a decrease in pregnancies

Consumer inflation rate is now at its lowest level in nine years

White slaughter continues – Farm manager brutally tortured during Mooi River farm attack,KZN

Janus Walus killer of communist Chris Hani – Supreme Court rules that the minister must decide on his fate

Load shedding due to poor workmanship at failed Medupi power plant, though Ramphosa points finger at sabotage

SA mining houses are closing one after the other due to Eskom load shedding

Government of Zimbabwe owes SAA R880 million

Cyril rushes back to Eskom and cuts visit to Egypt short amidst electricity crisis which holds serious economic consequences for SA