Tipies vir kommuniste, wil die Malema-ondersteuners hê selfs Twitter se reels moet verskillend toegepas word vir hulle, tenoor hul “vyande”, met uitsonderings vir hulle. Dit terwyl elkeen toestem tot die platform se besluite sodra hulle aanteken daarvoor. National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa) se hoofsekretaris, Irvin Jim, het die tydelike skorsing van die EFF-leier..
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Kommuniste Huil na Malema se Twitter Tydelik Opgeskort Word, Maar Wil Sosiale Media Gebruik om Blankes aan te Val!
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EXCLUSIVE: ANC has Systematically Been Transferring SA’s Sovereign Assets & Wealth into its Own Private Pockets!
“Privatise the damn SAA” you said. Time and again, whenever the latest scandal or disaster hit the “embattled” flagship carrier, you wanted ANC to privatise it. Little did you know that is exactly what they wanted you to say, and now the ANC have simply pocketed South Africa’s flagship asset, because that is what you thought you wanted. SA-News have said many times before, how the ANC under leadership of International Socialism, stole South Africa using one word, “racism”, but control of SA was never their main aim, it was always about stealing the country’s assets.
SA-News will over a series of articles reveal how the ANC, or at least its masters, have always been about money, power and control. We will connect the dots on 5 Major BBBEE deals, which benefitted the ANC itself, and show how BEE itself is nothing other than a cash vacuum cleaner, into the cadre’s pockets, dressed as anti racism. In fact “anti-racism” itself is part of the scam, and is used to create
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#Gupta 2.0 – Harith, Nuwe Private Eienaar van SAL was deur Mbeki Ramaphosa-faksie Opgestel met Staatspensioenfondse?
Het iemand vir ons gevra? Na die Gupta skandaal aan die lig gekom het, het Pravin Gordhan gesê mense moet die kolletjies verbind, en as ons dit doen, blyk dit dat die privatisering van SAL nog ‘n plundering skema deur die ANC-mafia is. Harith, die nuwe eienaar van SAL, is deur die Mbeki- en Ramaphosa-faksie van die ANC gestig en het moontlik fondse gebruik wat aan die pensioenfonds van die regering (PIC) behoort. Net soos toe multimiljardêr-oligarge na die val van die USSR geskep is, deur openbare staatsbates in privaat sakke te plaas. is die privatisering van die SAL net ‘n massiewe slenter, wat ontwerp is om die SAL vas te vang vir kaders verbonde aan Ramaphosa se faksie van die ANC! Is die SAL doelbewus bankrot gemaak om hierdie buit van ons bates moontlik te maak?
Die minister van openbare ondernemings, Pravin Gordhan, het op Vrydag 11 Junie aangekondig dat ‘n konsortium genaamd Takatso SAL sal verkry en 51% daarin sal besit.
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#Gupta 2.0 – Harith, New Owner of SAA Set up by Mbeki Ramaphosa Faction Using Government Pension Funds?
Did anyone ask us? When connecting the dots, as Pravin Gordhan instructed, it seems the privatisation of SAA is yet another plunder scam by the ANC mafia. Harith, the new owner of SAA, was setup by the Mbeki and Ramaphosa faction of the ANC, possibly using funds belonging to the Government Employee’s Pension Fund (PIC). Just like when multi billionaire Oligarchs were created after the fall of the USSR, by funneling state public assets into private crony pockets. the privatization of SAA is just a massive ploy, designed to capture SAA for businessmen connected to Ramaphosa’s faction of the ANC! Was SAA deliberately bankrupted to enable this plunder of our assets?
The minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Gordhan, announced on Friday 11 June that a consortium called Takatso will acquire SAA and will own 51% in it.
Takatso consists of Harith General Partners, a 100% black owned company, and Global Aviation. Takatso will allegedly invest R
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FNB Ontvang Meeste Klagtes in Ombudsman van Bankdienste se Jaarverslag van Mees Algemene Klagtes Teen Banke
Meer as 7,700 amptelike klagtes is ingedien by die Ombudsman vir Bankdienste in Suid-Afrika, wat hul jaarverslag vir die boekjaar 2020 gepubliseer het, wat die mees algemene klagtes teen banke sowel as bankiers bevat, omdat die verhouding tussen groter klante en die bankier ook in die verslag is. 6,472 klagtes is die vorige jaar (2019) ontvang.
Sommige klagtes word onder die aandag van die Bank gebring met die verwagting dat hulle daarop sal reageer en aan die Ombudsman verslag moet doen. In hierdie verband het die Ombudsman 8 389 sake na die betrokke banke terugverwys, wat ‘n skerp toename is in vergelyking met die 4 709 wat in 2019 aan banke terugbesorg is.
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SA Banking Ombudsman Reveals Most Common Complaints about Banks & Bankers – FNB had Most Complaints!
More than 7,700 official complaints have been lodged with the Ombudsman for Banking Services in South Africa, who published their annual report for the 2020 financial year, which contains the most common complaints against banks, as well as bankers, because the relationship between larger customers and the banker is also in the report. 6,472 complaints were received the previous year (2019).
Some complaints are brought to the attention of the Bank with the expectation of getting a response to them and for reporting to the Ombudsman. In this regard, the Ombudsman referred 8,389 cases back to the Banks concerned, which is a sharp increase compared to the 4,709 returned to banks in 2019.
Complaints related to matters on current accounts included fraud, fees charged, and other costs, as well as banks’ negligence in issuing warnings of accounts to be closed by the bank. The Ombudsman also closed 981 accounts involving internet fraud.
Numerous complaints about credi
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Capitec director gets rid of all his shares
Capitec director, Jean Pierre starred, sold all his shares on Tuesday. That was 5,000 shares at a total of R7.2m. He said it was a personal decision to sell now.
Pierre, one of the best-known short sellers in South Africa, became an independent non-executive director of Capitec at the beginning of 2015. Before long, he was outspoken in his criticism of African Bank, which collapsed in 2014.
The money generated from the sale is believed to be used by Pierre for the new hedge fund company he recently started, Protea Capital Management.
He does not intend to resign as Capitec’s director. Well-known fund manager Piet Viljoen noted on Twitter that Verster sold his shares.
Acoording to Iress Capitec’s share price was trading at its highest level of R1 455.29 on Tuesday.
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