Young South African Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!

Cheap Black Labour & Friends are Dangerous! White Employee Killed by Black Worker & Friend after Birthday Braai!

SA Courts No Longer Secure! How Long Before SA Balkanizes and is Declared a Humanitarian Disaster?

Port Elizabeth Man Shot in Back During Home Invasion! So Little Stolen That Attackers Will Have to Attack Someone Else Soon!

Snow Possible for all Provinces in Southern Africa Later This Week

R120 Million Cash Stolen from ATMs and Banks During ANC Riots, Financing More Organized Crime and Corruption!

Eedsverklaring van Vermiste Fluitjieblaser Beweer Ramaphosa se CR17-veldtog het Regter Zondo R5 Miljoen Kontant Gegee en NDZ-personeel Omgekoop!

Affidavit by Missing Whistleblower Claims Ramaphosa’s CR17 Campaign Gave Judge Zondo R5 Million Cash & Bribed NDZ Staff!

Stellenbosch Man Allowed to Do Shopping in Woolworths Without Mask Thanks to Copy of Court Order!

Young White Worker Killed in Philippi Township, Nothing Stolen! Why are Black Townships Still No Go Zones for Whites?