Who are the Racists? Half of Cape Registered Black Voters in CIAG Independence Poll say Race-Based Volkstaat is OK!

#VoetsekANC Griqua Royal House Joins ULA Secession Alliance for an Independent Cape to Preserve Minority Rights!

What is The “Two State Solution” Being Discussed All Over Social Media? Everyone From A to Z Wants to Escape ANC’s Gangster State!

Fundamental reasons why America seceded – exactly what ULA stands for

Secession: Sovereignty & Populism

Hein Marx interview 2 – Jerm Warfare

Ineptocracy South African ANC Government

Steve Bannon Pres. Trump’s strategist moves all over the world to give POPULIST STRATEGY advise!

ULA Memes Slideshow 1

ULA Memes Slideshow 2