#Dirkiesdorp Swart Werker Getuig hy was Deur SAPD Gedreig om Wit Boere Valslik by Moordsaak te Betrek!

#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!

#Dirkiesdorp se “Zimbabwe Narratief”! Indiese Myngroep Atha Africa Gebruik Gupta Taktiek om Swartes Aan te Hits om Gewelddadig Teen Boere te Betoog!

Video Mentioned in #Dirkiesdorp Court Case Proves the State Lied, But They Stubbornly Continue to Build a Totally False Narrative!

VIDEO: #Dirkiesdorp is SA’s Mini #GeorgeFloyd: SAPS Investigating Officer Admits in Court that Only Accounts From Black Protesters Were Taken!

#Dirkiesdorp is SA se Mini #GeorgeFloyd: SAPD Ondersoekbeampte Erken in Hof dat Slegs Getuienis van Swart Betogers in ag Geneem Word.

#Dirkiesdorp – Farmer’s Version of Piet Retief Shooting Shows Police Just Wanted to Lock Up Boers with Malicious & One-Sided Investigation!

#Dirkiesdorp: Even Police Shill for Mainstream Media’s “White Man Bad, Black Man Innocent” Propaganda! Whites Are Being Canceled!