African barbarism intensifies throughout SA – Protests and riots are the order of the day when when the bantu can’t get what they want

Unproductive Eskom drags Nersa to court over reduced power tariffs showing financial deficit of R102 billion

Shortage in Afrikaans markers raises concerns for matric readiness in some provinces

Illegal landgrabbers vowed to start new informal settlement in Kimberley titled ‘SCANDAL’ and wants to erect around 150 shacks soon

Soweto owes Eskom more than R17 billion, still receives free power – culture of non-payment has now become a legacy of the ANC struggle

Ramaphosa on begging mission in London in an attempt to save penniless SA from economic ruin

Eskom’s municipal debt rises to R23.5 billion – Lets face it! Management and board of directors do not possess management skills to run this entity

US Treasury impose huge sanctions on the Guptas that will cause the brothers’ business operations to be severely curtailed not to mention the possibility to be jailed for state capture

Senior SARS official resigns to escape prosecution

Zandile Gumede raid: Here’s the insane fleet of luxury cars seized at the residence of former mayor of eThekwini